
The weblicht_perspective.png perspective provides an easy way to use CLARIN-D Webservices (WebLicht Tübingen):

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  1. Webchain Toolbar

  2. Webservice Toolbar

  3. How to create a new webservice

  4. How to create a new Webchain

Webchain Toolbar:

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How to create a new webservice:

Creating a new webservice require the following steps:

  1. Switch to the weblicht_webservices.png tab (on the left)

  2. Click weblicht_new-service.png to create a new webservice. Then the new webservice window will show up. attachment:weblicht_new-webservice.png

  3. Fill in all the required information and press "ok". Note: The input and output features will be added in step 5.
  4. This will add the webservice to the webservice list to the left. Select the webservice and click weblicht_edit-service.png to edit the io-features.

  5. The io-features are all attribute-name/attribute-value pairs. E.g. lang: de (name = lang; value = de), type: text/plain (name=type; value = text/plain) if there is no value only the name must be specified. attachment:weblicht_webservice-io.png

  6. Apply all changes - now the webservice may be used within webchains.

Example webservice information (screenshot taken from WebLicht Tübingen) attachment:weblicht_example_tcf-converter.png

and the resulting ICARUS webservice attachment:weblicht_webservice_icarus.png

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How to create a new webchain:

Before creating a new webchain weblicht_webchain.png all necessary webservice.png webservices weblicht_webservices.png must have been speficied.

  1. Switch to the weblicht_webchain.png tab (on the left)

  2. Click weblicht_new-service.png to create a new webchain. Then the "new webchain dialog" will show up attachment:weblicht_webchain_new.png

    • Static Input = The user can specify a string that is always used as an input when executing the webchain.
    • Location = A file is used as input (user must ensure by hisself that the input is a valid / readable file for the io-webervice).
    • Dynamic = Whenever the webchain is executed a dialog shows up where the user may specify a string that will be passed to the webchain.
  3. Add all desired webservices to the chain. Example: attachment:weblicht_webchain_edit.png

  4. For each webchain one output must be specified. The webchain output can be saved to a file or diplayed within ICARUS (dynamic) (if there is a presenter that can handle the output data)
  5. The webchain is executed using weblicht_execute-chain.png the button.

Example: The Webchain shown in 4.) was executed, using "Karin fliegt nach New York. Sie will dort Urlaub machen." as a static input. The output was set to dynamic and therefore the result was passed to the graph outline tab. The resulting parsetree of the two sentences is shown in the figure below:


Any webservices and chains the user created (and saved) can be found in the icarus folder under the following destination: icarus\data\weblicht.xml (webservices) and icarus\data\webchain.xml (Webchains).

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