
The weblicht_perspective.png perspective provides an easy way to use CLARIN-D Webservices (WebLicht Tübingen):

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  1. Webchain Toolbar

  2. Webservice Toolbar

  3. How to create a new webservice

  4. How to create a new Webchain

Webchain Toolbar:

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How to create a new webservice:

Creating a new webservice require the following steps:

  1. Switch to the weblicht_webservices.png tab (on the left)

  2. Click weblicht_new-service.png to create a new webservice. Then the new webservice window will show up. attachment:weblicht_new-webservice.png

  3. Fill in all the required information and press "ok". Note: The input and output features will be added in step 5.
  4. This will add the webservice to the webservice list to the left. Select the webservice and click weblicht_edit-service.png to edit the io-features.

  5. The io-features are all attribute-name/attribute-value pairs. E.g. lang: de (name = lang; value = de), type: text/plain (name=type; value = text/plain) if there is no value only the name must be specified. attachment:weblicht_webservice-io.png

  6. Apply all changes - now the webservice may be used within webchains.

Example webservice information (screenshot taken from WebLicht Tübingen) attachment:weblicht_example_tcf-converter.png

and the resulting ICARUS webservice attachment:weblicht_webservice_icarus.png

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How to create a new webchain:

Before creating a new webchain weblicht_webchain.png all necessary webservice.png webservices weblicht_webservices.png must have been speficied.

  1. Switch to the weblicht_webchain.png tab (on the left)

  2. Click weblicht_new-service.png to create a new webchain. Then the "new webchain dialog" will show up attachment:weblicht_webchain_new.png

    • Static Input = The user can specify a string that is always used as an input when executing the webchain.
    • Location = A file is used as input (user must ensure by hisself that the input is a valid / readable file for the io-webervice).
    • Dynamic = Whenever the webchain is executed a dialog shows up where the user may specify a string that will be passed to the webchain.
  3. Add all desired webservices to the chain. Example: attachment:weblicht_webchain_edit.png

  4. For each webchain one output must be specified. The webchain output can be saved to a file or diplayed within ICARUS (dynamic) (if there is a presenter that can handle the output data)
  5. The webchain is executed using weblicht_execute-chain.png the button.

Example: The Webchain shown in 4.) was executed, using "Karin fliegt nach New York. Sie will dort Urlaub machen." as a static input. The output was set to dynamic and therefore the result was passed to the graph outline tab. The resulting parse of the two sentences is shown below:


Any webservices and chains the user created (and saved) can be found in the icarus folder under the following destination: icarus\data\weblicht.xml (webservices) and icarus\data\webchain.xml (Webchains).

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